Submission Guidelines

Love the Backcountry accepts content submissions from users on topics related to backpacking, camping and hiking. Review our submission guidelines below.

Author Profile

  • Authors should submit a bio, email address, photograph (preferably a headshot) and social media and website links to


Rights of Use

By submitting your article to S Communications and Media, LLC. (“S Comm”, “We” or “Us”), the publisher of the website, you and/or your organization will be granting S Comm unlimited rights of use across the Love the Backcountry digital channels. If your content is accepted and published, your content will be distributed across our channels, including web, social media, RSS, email, mobile and PDF.

We assume that you have the right to grant the use for all materials you provide. It is your responsibility to verify this prior to submitting any materials for publishing.

If you have any questions please direct them to us at